Deer Dear...
He and I are sitting at the table. It is breakfast time and the table we sit at is large and stable. It was his mother's table. The table he and all his siblings sat at for every meal growing up. After school projects were made at that table. I like this table. It has scratches and marks, it has been well used and yet cared for at the same time.
In his chair he is facing the mountains. The narrow valley lined with thick trees and then in the center of the valley, large, majestic mountains in the distance. The mountains still have snow on their peaks. He makes me breakfast every morning. Delicious eggs and bacon. Pancakes for him because he knows I can't eat carbs in the morning. It's a metabolism thing. But, I pour maple syrup on my thick bacon and feel very satisfied with that. We both have coffee.
My chair faces the side hill to the cabin. It has pretty aspen and pine trees and the hill is lined with grass, sage and wild flowers. When I am sleepy at the table, I like to pick up my cup and really smell my coffee. To savor the moment before I take the first sip. I closed my eyes and inhaled the delicious smell. I opened my eyes and still holding my cup and I see a deer standing before the window.
"Look! A deer!", I exclaim
He looks to my window and says, "Shhhh, don't get so excited, you will scare it."
I took a sip of my coffee and thought, well, too late, I am excited.
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